Just in case anyone was wondering, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...yet. I just haven't been feeling myself lately and haven't wanted to bake or create anything. Thank you to all of you who check in to read this regularly or even just occasionally. I appreciate it. I will get back to baking and blogging again soon. I hope you won't mind me sharing a few pictures I took tonight.
I walked into the kitchen after work tonight to put my things down on the table and happened to look up and out into our three-seasons room and I couldn't help but stop and stare. There outside the window was this amazing bright pink cloud of flowers.
I ran up and grabbed my camera to try to capture this beautiful sight. I know the pictures don't quite do it justice...but I tried.
I walked around underneath these trees taking pictures, smelling their strong scent and listening to sound of busy little bees buzzing around enjoying the flowers too.
One tree is full of blooms and one is full of buds just waiting to burst open. I love nature and the way God pays such close attention to all of the little details. Painting each little leaf and petal with specks or stripes, coloring each tiny insect and bug with it's own unique pattern. It reminded me that He's paying even closer attention to the details of our lives. I am so thankful.